I met a wonderful lady last year at a knitting guild weekend get-a-way and she was wearing the Einstein Jacket. The simple construction and great look was inspiring! I finally got around to making one for my boss's daughter.
This picture is the pre-blocked stage... the sleeves looked much better after I blocked it! I was worried about the sleeves and I think I will do them slightly different next time.
I guess my "next time" is here because when my daughter saw this jacket she begged me to make her one! So, being a good mommy, I let her pick out her own yarn and I cast on!

The yarn for both of these is from Mystical Creation Yarns. The small one is a bulky merino and the pink one is wool/silk thick and thin yarn. I wasn't too happy with the thick and thin, but that's what you get for buying online! I do love thier yarns though.
Happy Knitting!